Thursday, 29 March 2012

Evaluation: Third Draft

Presentation Is Too Big

My Evaluation presentation has now become that huge in memory size, due adding other drafts of my products and general making the whole thing look nice, I have split it into four separate parts.

Wednesday, 28 March 2012

A video explaining my change in theme of my products.

Tuesday, 27 March 2012

Final Products Improvements

These are my final products to there best standards, they have full spelling and look far superior to how they used to look.

Monday, 26 March 2012

New Theme Transfered To All Products

 These are my products with the new theme applied to them. In my opinion I think they look more livley and vivid than the previous grey design. I am now going to edit the evaluation to include the new changes to the products. You will have also noticed the name of the band has changed from Flood to Flare, this is simply due to Flare relating to the fiery theme where as Flood relates to a more aqautic theme. I realise that there may be futher changes but they will edited shortly.

Saturday, 24 March 2012

Results For New Theme For Products

After asking my target audience which of my new themes they prefered they came back with the following results and some feedback.

It is clear that the fire theme, using Orange, Red and Yellow is clearly better. In my opinion it looks more rebelious and fiery than the previous version. I will now continue to edit this design and transfer the theme to my other products.

Some feedback from the target audience:
The multicoloured theme is more pop related, I also cant read the text very well, I prefer the fire themed one since I can read it well and it looks like a powerful rock album.

I think the fire theme goes well with your theme of rock music, I would consider adding some tone to the design give it some texture.

I dislike the Bubbles design, looks more like a childrens album, I like the idea of the Multicoloured design but its hard on the eyes so I wouldnt recomened it, try the fire design but make more powerful!

Thursday, 22 March 2012

New theme for CD Products

After conducting my evaluation I was told that my products are rather bland. Therefore I have devised a batch of products which are far from bland as one can possibly get. I will analysis what I have done in detail on seperate slides and collect audience opinion on them all to see where I go from here. Having altering a single aspect of my product means I will have to alter all the other ancilary products.

Thursday, 8 March 2012


During this quiet period, I have a slightly altered schedule, I need to film a little more for my video then it should be done, I just need to find a place for Tom to film.