Sunday, 29 January 2012


This week is the finale! I have sorted all problems out with my cover, I simply need to transfer the theme to my other products and my products are completed (trust me its a humongous improvement) Elsewhere my evaluation is progressing and will be finished by next Friday (I have an exam this week, hence Media is not my main concern this week but the week after is all Media)

Saturday, 28 January 2012

CD Cover: Final Draft

This is my hopefully final draft of my CD cover, I have taken all my audience feedback for my previous draft, most notably the colour scheme, therefore I have completely changed the colour scheme to a more suitable colour for a rock album. I also changed the logo to look more suited to being black rather than orange. I also changed the band name since "Fallen" didn't really suit the design I was going for. 

Wednesday, 18 January 2012

Rough Cut: Feedback

I asked my target audience what they thought of my music video and anything that they think I could do to improve upon it. These are several of the comments I received regarding improvements:

I really liked the idea of rebellion, however I think the video looks a little plain without an effect on it.

The video idea is nice, the song choice is brilliant but I think you should play around with some of the effects on the mac and see if any suit the style of the video and song.

I think the first part of the video, is shot far to rough, you can see easily your hand moving while filming it makes it sloppy and unprofessional, remove it. Have you considered adding some close ups?

I will take this feedback and apply it to my music video.

Monday, 16 January 2012

Rough Cut

This is my rough cut. Its not particularly brilliant, but with some editing and perhaps a little more footage, a worthy music video can be created. I will ask my target audience what they like about the video and any improvements.

Current Work

Well work is currently a little slow, as I am working on finding time to edit my video and finding a mac to use the editing software on to improve my video. I also am begining to start my evaluation of my work and start conducting video diaries to go along with the evaluation and to show technological convergence in my blog.

Sunday, 1 January 2012

CD: Back Fifth Draft

Fifth and hopefully final draft for my CD back, I've added photo's and eveything looks spiffing.