Wednesday, 20 July 2011

Genre Of Music: Choice

I have decided to choose a song from the genres of a mixture between rock and metal such as Alestorm, Five Finger Death Punch or Volbeat. I believe this is the best choice this more obsure bands have less of a chance of having a video meaning I can be more orginal.

Sunday, 17 July 2011

Black Sabbath: Paranoid Analysis

A no nonsense video this, to fact that the song is actually live (Then again the amount of versions of the song their actually is...) The video has no story, all green screened background and with no alteration in camera only close ups on band members even they are placed to the side so you can still see the band playing, I like that idea having a close up while still being able to see what the band are doing. Some good ideas, I will use this for inspiration.

Nickelback: Rockstar Analysis

A very iconic and memorable video in the rock industry, Mainly because the band do not feature at all who sing it. Great idea and is very cheap, (Poor lip-syncing, using the general public). In fact the most expensive thing in the video will other than the plane tickets, will be Gene Simmons cheque for appearing three times in the video, it's a nice idea and could very easily be done but for a video set in the town of Biddulph going to many different locations is rather hard so would be difficult to replicate but is do able with mass's of time.

Def Leppard: Pour Some Sugar On Me Analysis

Def Leppard-Pour Some Sugar On Me: This is a video that one such as myself could do in an environment such as Biddulph the majority of the video is set inside a house with music instruments. Incredibly simple and very straight forward in comparison to others. The band rarely are on screen for longer 2 seconds so. It would seem that rockers even in videos do sultry poses.

Thursday, 7 July 2011

Analysis of previous Media Studies Student Work

Rachel Hilton: The Truth - Fallout Boy. This video has been made using a computer program such as Macromedia Flash. The idea has some benefits such as it means she didn't have to hire any actors and could simply reedit the video if something was wrong. I think this is a good idea for some videos however for a rock video I don't think that a hand drawn or a flash video would be fitting. Nice effect just not for my video.

Amy Pass: Had A Bad Day: This video is set out like a story which is very similar to my way of wanting to do my video with little seeing from the band (in this case a keyboard), the idea has massive benefits that you don't necessarily need to have lip syncing.

Ashleigh Thomas: Boys Boys Boys: The video is set out like a person actually singing to the camera, this is very risky since it means lip syncing will be a major major issue since rubbish lip syncing means the video looks unprofessional like this video. This is why I am not going to do a video like this video

Tuesday, 5 July 2011

Genre's Of Music: Interesting videos that dont reflect my genre

Alternative music is seen as the more commercial end of the Rock/Metal industry, I prefer the other genre's personally but there are several notable exceptions to the rule namely the songs posted here that offer a different approach to how a music video is done.

Foo Fighters: Wheels
The video follows the band and uses many different shot types and angles. These make the song quite boring similar to the Dragonforce video. However the reason I choose this video as inspiration is because of the effect playing behind the band with the clouds souring over the band is a nice feature and simple to do, by leaving a camera out all day makes for a good effect.

OKGO: Here It Goes Again
Changed the music video industry and created a massive amount of spin offs to the video. The whole video is done in one take due to the fixed camera. Done on a low budget with the right amount of practice my actors could easily redo it. However finding eight treadmils is hard.The video is important as it proved that low budget videos can be popular and as succesful a mega budget music videos.

Michael Jackson: Thriller
Changed the music industry and made the album the biggest selling album ever. period. The dance is now iconic, and set a bench mark for all future pop video, with nearly all popular music videos containing a dance of some sort however as I am doing a rock video this will not be useful for me as rock videos dont not have dancing. However the video suggests that the theme must reflect the content of the video which is key for all videos.

Sunday, 3 July 2011

Genre's of Music: Metal

Metal is generally seen as the most least popular out of all the genres of music. Mainly because the press and media feed us that metal is bad and hip hop/R&B/pop/rubbish is good. Metal doesn't seem to get a look in. Anyway metal videos generally offer something totally different to most with some being really really unconventional.

Volbeat: Fallen Analysis

I like the paint splat effect at the start, and the splitting effect showing the same section of the drummer and guitarist. It seems to be a cheap video, albeit a very nicely done one. Most of the video is clearly a camera out of a car window which is doable and a good effect as it gives the video a sense of motion.

KISS: I Was Made For Lovin' You Analysis

An approach which I can not possibly do without a mass crowd. A cheap and popular approach by bands in the 70's couple a music gig song with a new song. Typically KISS show shots of the band due to them being egotistical. However some of the shots used particularly the harmonies during the chorus with Gene and Ace around a microphone is a great shot that I will defiantly use in mine.

Iron Maiden: Run To The Hills

Another example of how different and weird a metal video can be. I like the idea of how Iron Maiden are playing to a crowd in an arena, however I do not really have an arena to make my band to look as if they are playing. The action shifts to what is supposed to be a silent film from the early 1900's, unfortunately the effects are done poorly (Red Indian on a bicycle) Looks very tacky and lame, therefore making too risky to attempt for a music video.

Five Finger Death Punch: Hard To See: Analysis

A truly unconventional subject matter that goes with a song meaning which I wouldn't pick with the song lyrics. The idea of a person not being able to see due to being buried is odd, however conventional in terms of a metal video. Oddly the video when the singer sings solely to the camera, the camera stays fixed, instead of rapid cuts, this makes the words come across as more personal, the camera also shakes on the final line to give impact of compassionateness to the viewer.

DragonForce:Through The Fire And The Flames: Analysis

Dragonforce: Through The Fire And Flames

Personally I think this video is a little boring and repetitive video. The idea being the video just shows different shots of each band member playing their instrument breaking conventions as usually a song has a little story to go with it. For a song as long as five minutes in length, a five minute montage of clips of a band miming words is quite boring. Therefore in my project I will not just be doing a montage of clips of people playing instruments, although I agree that some clips of people playing instruments are needed to show its a music video.