Sunday 18 December 2011

Music Poster: Fifth Draft

This is my fifth draft. Finally I have added my pictures and I believe it looks far superior to before. I will ask my peers what they think could be done to give last minute improvements.

Wednesday 14 December 2011

To Do List:

Major updates needed this week:

ADD PHOTOS!! This is most important by a long while I need to finnish my products (In truth they are nearly done, finishing touches and pictures will sort that out.

Resend email to Beastie Boys record label.

If theres time redo story board.

Thursday 8 December 2011

Music Poster Fourth Draft

This is my imporved much updated poster, I will place a photo on the poster I simply havent got around to uploading a photo as of yet. I will attempt to upload them tomorrow then have this poster nearly finnished on Monday hopefully.

Wednesday 7 December 2011

CD Back: Fourth Draft

This is my updated CD back, I have changed the back-ground colour to the same the cover, I will add photos ethier this week or next week to complete this design.

New CD Front: Third Draft

This is the new CD cover, a much needed breath of fresh if I say so myself. It promotes life and looks modern. Obviously as a third draft it still needs a lot of work. Next I will concentrate on updating the back and poster, but when I return to this cover, I will add more effects to corners and edit the colours slightly.

Tuesday 6 December 2011

Font Update

The fonts shown eariler do not fit into my new design at all, therefore I have found a new, simple, clear and power font: Copperplate Gothic Bold

New Font Options

My old font "Burtons Nightmare" was more of a decorative font for a more at the time decorative cover. Having consulted my peers I have decided to go for a much clearer and much more legible, I have found two very good fonts, "Canon" and "Heroes Assemble" to follow is my cd cover currently with the font replaced.

Monday 5 December 2011

To Do list

Redraft Storyboard!!!!
Change CD Back colour scheme to fit in the with front
Change poster colour to add synergy to the set

Update Clothing Posts with new photos and analysis
Update location post with location filmed video
Resend email to Beastie Boys record label

If there is time: redo lyric analysis

busy week...

Friday 2 December 2011


Before making a judgment on a website, I first obivously look at the website to see what it is like, I can honestly say that Vimeo, while better than slideshare is still a useless and ridicuous website. Thus meaning that I will upload my video to Youtube rather than Vimeo. Useless Vimeo...